Join the WriteConnect Community! ✨

WriteConnect Community

An online community for fiction writers at any stage to connect and write.

There are two parts to the community:

  1. Twice monthly WriteTogethers or “write-ins” (See dates below)

  2. A free “always on” Discord community:

This community is so supportive. I have had trouble with accountability while writing and this has been awesome. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive.
— Writer and WriteConnect Community Member

WriteTogether Dates

Write and socialize with other authors! We meet twice monthly on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month for a virtual write-in.

January 10

5 pm PT
Google Meet


January 24

5 pm PT
Google Meet


February 7

5 pm PT
Google Meet


February 21

5 pm PT
Google Meet


March 6

5 pm PT
Google Meet


March 20

5 pm PT
Google Meet


The virtual write-in happens on Google Meet and has the following format:

  1. We spend the first 15 minutes chatting and discussing any writing challenges

  2. Then, we write for 40 minutes

  3. Finally, we’ll wrap up during the last five minutes closing the session

The journey of writing doesn’t have to be lonely. Write and connect with other like-minded authors.

About the WriteConnect Community

The WriteConnect Community is a virtual gathering space for women writers to have fun connecting with other like-minded authors. Inside the community, more than 75 members experience: 

  • Support and accountability

  • Inspiration

  • Connection

  • Fun!

Especially if you're an aspiring author or unpublished author, the lack of publication deadlines can make it even more challenging to actually sit down and write.

In America, more than half the population has a desire to write a novel but only 8% complete a written manuscript.

This is no easy feat but the journey of writing a novel doesn’t have to be lonely.

That's why the WriteConnect Community was created. To inspire you to keep writing and create a space for accountability needed to finish your first novel.

The world needs your story, this is where you start. 


  • Nope! This is a private forum just for the WriteConnect Community to allow for deeper connections and hosted on Discord.

  • If you are a writer seeking a positive and warm community, this is the place for you! Connect with other like-minded writers to share, learn, and get inspired!

  • There is no cost to join the Discord group and a $10 drop-in fee for each WriteTogether event that you register for.