Fixing Common Plot Problems in Your Story
Writing a compelling story takes more than just a string of action-oriented scenes. It requires a clear and engaging plot that keeps readers invested from beginning to end. But what happens when your plot hits a snag? Maybe your story feels flat, your characters lack motivation, or the pacing drags.
Don’t worry—you are not the first writer to encounter plot problems. They are very common. The good news? They’re fixable. Let’s take a look at common plot problems and how to fix them so you can get your story back on track.
The Story Feels Aimless or Lacks Direction
If you are a pantser, meaning you like to write from the seat of your pants, there may come a point where your story starts to wander off course.
The Problem: You have a book idea, but as you write, the story seems to meander without a clear direction. Readers might struggle to understand what your protagonist wants or where the story is headed.
How to Fix It:
Clarify your protagonist’s goal. What does your main character want, and why does it matter to them? A strong, clear goal helps keep the story focused.
Introduce stakes. Make sure there’s something at risk if your protagonist fails. This adds tension and keeps readers engaged.
Outline key plot points. Even if you’re a pantser, having a few major plot points can provide structure and direction.
Write a one-sentence summary of your story’s main goal. If you can’t summarize it clearly, your plot might need tightening.
The Middle of Your Story Drags
Also known as “the messy middle.” This is the point in the story where you’ve already written the beginning and you know where you want to end, but you’re lost somewhere in the middle trying to connect the dots. This is a very common sticky point for authors across all genres.
The Problem: The story starts strong and ends with a bang, but the middle feels slow, repetitive, or lacking in conflict.
How to Fix It:
Introduce a subplot. This can add complexity and keep readers engaged while progressing the main story.
Raise the stakes. Halfway through your story, make the protagonist’s goal harder to achieve or introduce a new obstacle.
Revisit your character arc. Ensure your protagonist is still actively pursuing their goal, and that each scene moves the story forward.
Identify three major turning points in your middle act. This helps prevent the story from stalling.
Characters Lack Motivation
Characters are the heart and soul of a story. Their motivation and what they want is the key to the story taking place. If a character’s motivation isn’t clear, many readers will stop reading.
The Problem: Your characters are going through the motions, but their actions feel unmotivated or disconnected from the plot. Readers may struggle to connect with them.
How to Fix It:
Identify the character’s internal and external goals. Internal goals relate to personal growth, while external goals drive the plot. Both should be clear.
Show consequences. If your character doesn’t pursue their goal, something bad should happen. This pressure creates motivation.
Give your character agency. Avoid passive protagonists. Make sure they’re actively making choices that drive the plot.
Ask yourself: What does my character stand to lose if they give up? Increase those stakes.
The Ending Feels Rushed or Unsatisfying
Have you ever been enjoying reading a book and then all of a sudden time seems to pass quickly and it feels like the author was just trying to rush the ending? It’s an unsatisfying way for a book to end.
The Problem: After investing so much time in your story, you may find yourself rushing through the ending or struggling to tie up loose ends.
How to Fix It:
Resolve the main conflict. Ensure the primary conflict introduced at the beginning reaches a satisfying resolution.
Answer major questions. Any big questions you introduced in the story should have clear answers by the end.
Give your protagonist a choice. Create a moment where your character must make a significant decision that reflects their growth.
Write the ending you think you want. Then ask yourself: Is this ending earned? If not, revisit the character’s arc and conflict.
The Plot Feels Predictable
Sometimes predictability isn’t a bad thing. Depending on your genre, an element of predictability is OK. In general, it is best to lead the reader through an inspired plot.
The Problem: Readers can see what’s coming from a mile away, making your story feel predictable or uninspired.
How to Fix It:
Subvert expectations. If readers expect one outcome, find a way to surprise them (without being confusing).
Introduce plot twists early. Twists that are subtly hinted at feel more satisfying than ones that come out of nowhere.
Deepen character conflict. If the story revolves around internal struggles, readers will stay invested even if they can guess the external plot.
Brainstorm three possible endings for your story. Challenge yourself to choose the one readers would least expect.
Plot problems are a normal part of the writing process, but they don’t have to derail your story. With a little reflection and intentional revision, you can fix plot holes, deepen your characters, and create a story that keeps readers hooked.
If you’re struggling with your story’s plot or need guidance in the writing process, consider booking a VIP Book Coaching Day. Together, we’ll map out your plot, identify any weak points, and create a clear path to a compelling, page-turning manuscript.